Well, we're a little late with the news, but good news can never be too late, right?
Sen. Huelskamp has formally announced his bid for Congress with a late night email to supporters. (You can click the email on the left to enlarge it.)
Sen. Huelskamp had many great things to say in his announcement. The most refreshing, however, was Sen Huelskamp's understanding that conservative principles are NOT the reason Republican's were rejected at the polls nationally in November. Rather, it is a rejection in practice of conservative principles by Republicans that handed us a rather humbling defeat.
"Leaders in Washington in both political parties have lost touch with the fundamental principles that most Americans live our lives by every day - common sense, fiscal responsibility, and the traditional moral values and respect for individual freedoms that built this country."
Sen. Huelskamp is the frontrunner in the 1st congressional district race not because he has the most cash in the bank, but because he has a 12 year record in the Kansas Senate to back up what he is telling voters today.
Why would a voter even consider a candidate that has a questionable voting record or no record what-so-ever?
Anybody can talk the talk, but Sen. Huelskamp has walked the walk for twelve years.
"I am absolutely convinced that now is the time for a new class of principled leaders in Washington who will stand up for these and other core American values. We need folks who are willing to stand boldly for truth and the principles upon which our nation was built. So we are running for Congress. And with God's blessings and your support, I hope to become the next Congressman from the Big 1st District."
Read more about Sen. Huelskamp's announcement at Kansas Liberty.
Sen. Huelskamp formally announced his bid for Congress late last night.
And the question everyone asked: How did we get to the point where Washington is controlled by big-government socialists who attack our traditional, American values?
I believe the answer is simple.
Leaders in Washington in both political parties have lost touch with the fundamental principles that most Americans live our lives by every day -- common sense, fiscal responsibility, and the traditional moral values and respect for individual freedoms that built this country.
My friend, I am absolutely convinced that now is the time for a new class of principled leaders in Washington who will stand up for these and other core American values. We need folks who are willing to stand boldly for truth and the principles upon which our nation was built.
Our current Congressman, Jerry Moran, has announced that he will leave the U.S. House to run for the Senate. And after much prayer and counsel, my wife and I have agreed that now is the time for us to step forward to carry the principles I've been fighting for in Topeka to another level.
So we are running for Congress. And with God's blessings and your support, I hope to become the next Congressman from the Big 1st District.
Well, the "votes" are in and Sen. Tim Huelskamp is the clear front runner to replace Rep. Jerry Moran in Washington.
As Politico reported on Jerry Moran's decision to seek a U.S. Senate seat, they also note only one candidate in the running to replace Moran, Tim Huelskamp.
Following up on those sentiments was Roll Call, Capital Hill's leading paper.
Huelskamp has been preparing his bid for a while: He opened a federal campaign account in 2006 when Moran was considering a run for governor and has $25,000 to start his bid."We've been spending a lot of time on the phone the last couple weeks, and we already have a campaign account open," Huelskamp said in a phone interview.
The other candidates? An honorable mention, but not much else.
Even news outlets back home in Kansas acknowledge that Sen. Huelskamp is the front runner
No other candidate mentioned can match credentials or records with Sen. Huelskamp. As our state faces an unprecedented budget crisis, we can all rest assured that Sen Huelskamp will work to solve our budget problems the way every Kansas family has to solve their budget problems; through less spending and pork cutting, not through tax increases and passing the buck.
And those other candidates? Well, they either didn't show up for the party, caved to special interests or some even were the cause of our budget problems in the first place.
Washington insiders and big Topeka spenders. That's not what Kansas needs.
Common sense budget solutions and principled leadership. Now that's what Kansas needs.
This blog has been created as a way to promote the next best hope for Kansas' First Congressional District, Sen. Tim Huelskamp.
2010 is just around the corner. With current Rep. Jerry Moran running for the U.S. Senate, there will be a competitive race in the Big First and Sen. Huelskamp will need everyone's help to remain the front runner in the race. Enter the Huelskamp Herald.
So, sit back and enjoy the next couple of years. We'll be here to ensure the truth about Sen. Huelskamp and his record gets out to the people.