Ladies and Gentlemen, today is a very important day in the Rob Wasinger for Congress campaign. Today is the day that Rob Wasinger, who has bragged extensively about supposedly being the only candidate to tour all 69 First District counties, takes his campaign to Fairfax County, Virginia.
As you can see below, Rob is throwing a fancy-schmancy fundraiser tonight in the wealthy little enclave of Lorton, Virginia, right outside our nation's capitol. This makes perfect sense, of course, since Rob Wasinger receives a great deal of his financial backing from people who live in The Old Dominion State. It also makes sense since Rob still owns his house in McClean, Virginia, which is just a hop, skip, and a jump across I-95 to the other side of Fairfax County.
Does anyone else find it ironic that Rob has to go all the way to Virginia to find people to financially support his campaign, yet he lists the sponsors and co-hosts of his fundraiser as "Kansas Sunflower Committee", "Kansas Golden Wheat Committee", or "Kansas Meadowlawk Committee?" My guess is that the people who attend this fundraiser have probably never even seen golden wheat before and have no clue what a meadowlark is.
Nevermind that Lorton, Virginia is roughly 1,200 miles from the Eastern-most portion of Kansas' Big First. This is where Rob's cash cow lives.
Once you count the other Northern Virginia communities that Rob has made a staple of his campaign (Alexandria, Arlington, Prince William, Loudon, etc.) his 69 county tour is up to at least 74 counties.
Congrats to Rob Wasinger for being the first candidate in the race to tour all of Northern Virginia!
Its a fundraiser...not really a big story here. Go on with your smear campaign it is rather amusing how you waste your time.
Huelskamp would do much better if his campaign workers actually campaigned....
I challenge you to find one candidate that has not taken out of state money. Except Boldra, she cant get in-state money.
This is too funny. A "Kansas" sponsored fundraiser in Virginia! Only Rob can pull it off.
This is almost as funny as the press release he sent out claiming to be the best candidate on terrorism because he saw the plane hit the Pentagon on his way to work. Then he gets mad because the Hays paper called him out for it.
Sorry Rob, but if the shoe fits...
Wow, judging by the size of that family, I guess Wasinger has no chance at breaking into Huelskamp's broad support among the pro-aborts... the only category he leads in. LOL.
This is hilarious. I don't even live in Kansas and I think it's amusing that Wasinger is so desperate that he has to make trips to his old stomping ground in Virginia.
I think Wasinger would be doing much better if he spent more time in Kansas. That SurveyUSA poll that came out the other day showed all of the also-rans (except Cobb) within the margin of error of Wasinger. Wasinger's pathetic performance in that poll is surprising considering that Wasinger spent more on his campaign than Barnett, Huelskamp and Boldra altogether in '09. Obviously, Rob's base of support (Virginians) was not polled.
Oh, and the last commenter might want to check the cross-tabs on the poll again because it isn't true that Huelskamp only led with one demographic.
This is hilarious! This kind of stuff just has to be eating Wasinger alive. After talking about all of his "grassroots" support and small donations, blah blah blah.
Right, which is why you have to hold a "Kansas fundraiser" in Virginia!
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